Saturday, June 19, 2010

SmS / CaLL ?

Yesterday , i make phone call more than i did in a week ..

prefer call them one by one to show my courtesy , and get the message transfers easier than smsing ..

and what i hate of smsing is some people reply VERY SLOW ... some even reply the next day .. my message tone is a freaking long 1 just to make sure i read the sms ..

sms also seems to encourage me to use short form to type faster .. with my touch screen phone , i can type x2 faster than last time ... sms can let you think before you type , but Calling requires you to instantenuous say it out sometimes i sms my dad rather than calling ..

the longest phone call i made is around 1 hour .. phone also hot d . whatever crap also talk to reach that record ..haha ..

so ,choose to right channel of communication to get the message delivers ..

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